It would help if we turn to God. Supply Him energy He needs in prayer & action to help us. We kicked Him out of schools, Satan walked in ("After School Satan clubs" abound for age 5 & up. "Coincidentally" began at Pt. Defiance Elem. School. If you walk away from Him, you lose God consciousness. Behind parents' backs, schools now "support" "cat orientation!" Kitty litter boxes in bathrooms of an increasing # of elem., middle & high schools across America. I reported Keith Valley Middle School. Growing phenomenon called "Furries" (police confirmed). If you vote Democrat next election you will be supporting molestation of children as a "new orientation".

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Taking back our power and disconnecting the relationship between money, food and power

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It's a great reminder that we can find respite from the evils of the world.

Our garden is more than doubling in size and it's my greatest distraction and active procrastination. That may sound weird to name it an active procrastination, but when I don't want to do certain tasks, my attention easily shifts to learning something new about, say, soil, companion planting, or composting.

Gardening is an attitude. For me, it's the glass half full attitude.

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“There is a seed calling your name…” a lovely thought.

I’ve recently become more aware of just how many of the traditional seeds have been lost forever, replaced by hybrids controlled by a few giant global companies. A new TV documentary is a real eye-opener and encourages us to seek out heritage seeds which produce crops that are far more nutritious and which also create more seeds that can be saved and planted - the traditional way. This is a link to the video in case it’s of interest:


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