You are too kind Raw Milk Mama.

I know you are writing about a much larger picture, but I was at the Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) roundtable last week on the Hill. The acronym should read Ma-Ha!

If memory serves me correct, not one mention of the Moms that have selflessly sought and taught better ways for quality of life through quality food and natural remedies over the past several decades. More importantly, not a single mention of sincere gratitude towards all of the moms that have walked the talk no matter how hard and lonely that way of life creates.

To me, my personal take, the “newly awakened” well, what a bunch of fertilizer! Same old song and dance served generously with self-promotion and unfounded praise.

Not at any point that I can recall, and I must admit it was hard to stay focused-blah blah blah, did I hear “the solution” or credit given to all of the folks (women, men and children alike) that have been living the solution EVERY SINGLE DAY without being driven by profit!

And the credit should have been at least alluded too… the MOMS!

Ma-Ha was just that, laughing down at the Moms (and all the other people) that live the solution every day.

What I took away from that meeting, a not so squared away round table, was that these folks appear to be seeking a state of emergency. Inviting the foxes to to ensure the safety of the hen house.

I will leave my rant at that.

Liz, you are the solution. Moms ARE the solution! WE ARE THE SOLUTION!!

How? By building hyperlocal food abundant communities and teaching ways that are all but forgotten back to these ancient political grandstanders and young whippersnapper influencers that simply just don’t have a clue or do not care.

Thank you Liz for your courage, honesty and never waining thirst in educating your fellow Americans towards a higher quality of life!

I digress.

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thanks keep up the good work, so we all can play nicely together..

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